Organic Diet: The 7 Nutritional Benefits of An Organic Diet
1. Organic Foods Boost Immunity
While genetic modification has been hailed as an ingenious way to circumvent problems of famine across the globe, the flipside of genetic modification is the likelihood that it could weaken an individual’s immunity. In animal testing, GMO food has been shown to significantly weaken animal’s immune system, increase birth mortality, increase incidences of cancers and sexual dysfunctions, as well as increase sensitivity to allergens. It is possible that GMOs will have the same effect on human beings as well. Moreover, genetic modification is in its early states and, therefore, its long-term effects on human beings are yet to be fully understood. Perhaps its impact on human health is a lot more vicious than now imagined.Related: The Complete Guide To An Anti-Inflammation Diet For Weight Loss Naturally
2. Organic Foods are Rich in Antioxidants
There is a number of studies done on the effects antioxidants sourced from organic foods have on a person’s general health. It has been discovered that antioxidants sourced from organic foods have a bigger impact on your overall health than antioxidants gotten from inorganic foods. This is attributed largely to the fact that foreign chemicals, which are possibly toxic, are not negatively interacting with the various vitamins, organic compounds, and minerals that are essential in the prevention of maladies such as cancer, premature aging, cognitive malfunction, heart diseases, as well as vision problems. Other studies have revealed that opting for organic food is possibly going to lead to more intake of nutritionally desirable antioxidants and minimal exposure to toxic or deleterious heavy metals. As already stated, a reliance on organic foods means little or no exposure to toxic heavy metals present in pesticides, preservatives, and fertilizers. In fact, the most recurring complaint from new converts to organic food is the presence of pesticides in inorganic foods.3. Organic Food is good for the Heart
It has been discovered that organic food is good for the heart. Take milk, for instance, when a cow is pasture-grazed, its milk and meat will be high in conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). Conjugated linoleic acid has been touted as a heart-healthy fatty acid that can greatly improve cardiovascular protection. Conjugated linoleic acid is found in large quantities in animal products such as breast milk and meat belonging to animals raised cage-free or free-range.4. More Delicious
Did you know that organic food is more delicious? A great majority of people rightly believe that organic food has a better taste than conventional foods, and the most plausible explanation for this phenomenon is that it is produced organically. Moreover, organic food is produced and sold locally, meaning there’ll be fresh produce available in the market, which often tastes better than food which is frozen, shipped, and transported for long distances.5. Organic food more nutrient-rich than inorganic food
Inorganic food is produced in played-out-soil and, therefore, doesn’t benefit from natural nutrients in the natural soil. While artificially produced fertilizers have the potential to make food grow bigger and prettier, it doesn’t make the food healthier. Further, numerous studies have confirmed the widely held beliefs that organic food is more nutritious- and it tastes better than inorganic food. Sample these facts: - A study has found that organic vegetables and fruits possess 27% more vitamin C, 29.3% more magnesium, 21.1% more iron, 13.6% more phosphorous, and 18% more polyphenols. - Research has discovered that organic soups have 600% salicylic acid compared to inorganic foods. Salicylic acid is a very important health-promoting substance. - Organic meats are not as fatty as inorganic ones, and the fats in organic foods are healthier. This leads to one conclusion: organic foods are more nutritious than inorganic ones!6. Consuming Organic Foods means fewer Chances of Contracting a Food-borne illness
Each day we're bombarded with news of massive epidemics of food-borne illnesses, and most of these epidemics arise out of the use of inorganic foods. Animals in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) are sick. And the numerous vaccines and drugging do little to ameliorate the sicknesses. These diseases come to affect humans who consume these foods. It has been alleged that factory farms are the main source of drug-resistant infections. It is said that they were the initial source of E.coli. In fact, E.coli wasn’t considered to be contagious until 1983 circa. E.coli is only a necessary probiotic situated in each person’s gut and helps in digestion. The E.coli that is responsible for some of these deadly outbreaks is thought to be a mutant occasioned by concentrated animal feeding operations. Therefore, the best way to ward off food-borne illnesses such as E.coli is to give inorganic foods a wide berth and to embrace organic foods fully.7. Environmental Conservation
Lastly, the reason you should make the switch to organic foods is that consuming organic foods is good for the environment. Harmful chemicals aren’t used in organic farming, meaning there is little soil, air, and water pollution- and this ensures there is a safer and healthier earth for future generations to peacefully and comfortably stay in. To get more information about the benefits of an organic diet, click below.Click Here To Get More Information About Organic Diet